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Opening of Kwilu Ngongo Clinic, Congo



On the face of it, human beings have such capacity for love, kindness, humour, creativity, curiosity, we might assume anything is possible and that we should live in a state of bliss and harmony. But life is not so, and humans also have a propensity to cause hurt and harm, to ourselves and those around us as well as the environment in which we live. It's not easy being alive. We seem to be plagued with war and conflict, and situations seem hopeless and beyond help.

To create strong human beings and a healthy population takes huge efforts. We can wait around for our governments to try and fix things, or we can try and make a difference ourselves, in small ways that can turn the situation around, creating positive spirals instead perpetuating negative ones.



Joining forces with our friends and building communities that are sustainable and supportive is one way of making a difference. Offering our talents and skills to help train others, raising awareness about an unjust cause, looking at ways to improve living standards and generate income are all examples of ways we can help.

Susila Dharma supports some fantastic projects demonstrating human endeavour in community development. 

YUM Kalimantan
CHCs congo.png
Yayasan Tambuhak Sinta
Anisha Seed Bank

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About SDB
Susila Dharma Britain is the social and humanitarian arm of Subud Britain, and a voting member of the Susila Dharma International Association. SDIA is a network of similar NGOs throughout the world who work with their project partners on the ground.


Susila Dharma Britain is a company limited by guarantee and registered as a charity, company number 01903863, and charity number 291818.

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